Our club has experienced a lot of growth over the years and we have done so only with the help of our volunteer club members and friends of the club. Dues paid in by our yearly GMSA club members just barely covers the cost of our taxes and insurance.
Everything that you see on our range has either been built with volunteer labor, donated to us or paid for through club sanctioned fundraisers.
Fundraisers are essential to our being able to improve the club and we sincerely appreciate all who are participating! Throughout the years, we have held various fundraiser events and every penny has been put back into the club.
We are a 501c(4) non-profit organization and we pay no salaries or benefits to members or officers...It's all volunteer labor and our fundraisers help fund our club improvements. GMSA fundraisers are administered pursuant to O.C.G.A 16-12-22.1 and are authorized annually by permit on file with the local Sheriffs Office.
In 2014, we launched an ambitious 5-Year plan for range improvements and roadway stability.
We briefly interrupted the concrete phase in order to put permanent restrooms at the 50-yard range, and now that they are completed, plan to resume concrete work.
It's often said that progress brings in it's fair share of naysayers who are charter members of the flat earth society.
Unfortunately, GMSA is not immune and we appear to have some of these types among our membership. Change is hard for some, it's a given, so we need to take a little time to recognize the special little jackass who continues to spin gravel on to the concrete just behind the clubhouse. (it's people like this, that are the reason instructions are printed on a box of pop-tarts)
This problem will be solved once we get concrete poured but in the meantime, with everyone watching, we sincerely hope for the opportunity to introduce the offending party to article VIII of our club bylaws.
We sincerely appreciate everyone's support in purchasing our raffle tickets to help fund these improvements!
The following fundraisers are helping us raise money for these projects!
THANKS to all who are participating in our fundraisers!